How to change background and text automatically using jquery?
Jquery Script which creates rotator for both banner and text.
Here images and header_texts are the arrays where we are using loop in next couple of lines. I am applying css using jquery to change background and i am adding html content to subheader div using html().
Now the implementation process
Step1 : Copy below javascript/jquery to script.js or your js file or in script tag at the top of the body.
Step2 : Here in this script you need to change only two things.
#slideit (Id for background change) and #subheader (id for content change).
$(window).load(function() { var i =0; var j= 0; var images = ['images/backgrounds/background_2.jpg','images/backgrounds/background_3.jpg','images/backgrounds/background_1.jpg']; var header_texts = ['<h1>Heading number 2</h1>','<h1>Heading number 3</h1>','<h1>Heading number 1</h1>']; var image = $('#slideit'); var header_txt = $('#subheader'); //Initial Background image setup image.css('background-image', 'url(images/backgrounds/background_1.jpg)'); header_txt.html("<h1>Heading number 1</h1>"); //Change image at regular intervals setInterval(function(){ image.fadeOut(500, function () { image.css('background-image', 'url(' + images [i++] +')'); image.fadeIn(100); }); if(i == images.length) i = 0; }, 5000); setInterval(function(){ header_txt.fadeOut(600, function () { header_txt.html(header_texts[j++]); header_txt.fadeIn(100); }); if(j == header_texts.length) j = 0; }, 5000); });
Step 3 : Copy below CSS to your style sheet.
This CSS will help to placing the image to top left of the page. width 100% covers the background entire page and height 100% covers the background entire height of the page. you can see that i have used 130% which is for IE due to some spacing issues, you can adjust as you want
This CSS will help to create background for the header text which and also styling of header
#slideit{ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:130%; z-index:-9999; } #subheader { margin: auto ; width:920px; text-align: center ; height:60px; } #subheader h1{ height:44px; margin-top:5px; background:url(../images/subheaderbg.png); color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:30px; padding-top:6px; position:absolute; left:40%; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; }
Step 4 : Copy following div in the first line of the body. this div helps to display the background.
<div id="slideit"> </div>
Step 5 : Copy following div to body where ever you ant to display the header.
<div id="subheader"></div>
Thanks for reading my post, if you have any queries please feel free to comment below. thanks.