What is the scope of Selenium, and is it linked with RPA ?

What is the scope of Selenium, and is it linked with RPA ?

Geek Evident Asked on November 29, 2017 in Technology.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

      SELENIUM – it is a testing tool that helps to test scenarios for web applications.

      Where as, on other hand

      Robotic Process Automation — it is a process that can help automate all the cognitive processes and it helps reduce or eradicate the interference of human intervention.

      Though selenium can be used to “test” scenarios of “automated” processes.

      The confusion people can have is both uses the word automation in it. So, selenium is a tool that automates test cases for tester where as RPA automates the whole process for end user developed by a software developer.

      Geek Evident Answered on June 20, 2018.
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