What are the best and simple winter wear for the south Indian weather?

What are the best and simple winter wear for the south Indian weather?

Geek Evident Asked on November 20, 2017 in Fasion and Beauty.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

      For South Indian winters, consider lightweight options:

      1. Long-sleeve Tops:
        • Choose breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.
      2. Light Sweaters or Jackets:
        • Opt for knit sweaters or light jackets for cool evenings.
      3. Jeans or Trousers:
        • Wear jeans or trousers for a comfortable yet warmer option.
      4. Closed Shoes or Ankle Boots:
        • Provide some warmth without being too insulated.
      5. Stylish Shawls or Stoles:
        • Add a fashionable layer for a touch of warmth.

      Kid Answered on January 25, 2024.
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